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I'm an Aussie who likes wandering all over the world but keeps coming back home to paradise and my family. If you are reading this on one of my travel blogs, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them. If you are reading the Diabetes and weight loss blog - I hope it helps in your battle with the beast. Cheers, Alan
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Monday, October 09, 2006

Istanbul - Topkapi

The Topkapi was interesting, but a little disappointing. I think I was spoiled by seeing the Alhambra first and expecting more for the complex that was the seat of the great Ottoman Empire for over four centuries.But, it would be hard for anything to outshine the Alhambra and Generaliffe and so others do pale a little by comparison.

The Topkapi is now the Turkish Treasury and a museum. What I did find startling was the value of some of the items on display.

They were reputedly genuine and originals; security was tight but not overwhelming. There was one particular diamond that was breath-taking. It made the fictitious Pink Panther look like a small gem by comparison, but no pictures were allowed for many of the more valuable items. When you consider what was allowed, that gives some idea of the values.

These are some examples of models in pure gold and silver given to various Sultans by visiting ambassadors.

These were the most fearsome warriors of their day.

The gardens were beautiful, with a gorgeous mid-May flower display.

The Topkapi is more a complex of buildings, like a walled small town, than a castle. The buildings spread over a fairly large area and are mostly only one or two storeys.

Not all were highly decorated, but those that were were ornate and highly detailed.

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